The United States Medical License Exams are a number of exams that lead to licensure to practice in the United States, open to both US and non-US trained medical students and doctors. The exams are divided into Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3 (step 2 CS, the clinical skills exams, was replaced with several alternatives ever since the COVID-19 days). These exams can be taken in any order. The first two steps are required to be taken within 7 years apart, in order to obtain one’s license. Note that Occupational English Test (OET) is also required for licensure.
Step 1 focuses on preclinical subjects like pathology, physiology, anatomy, etc. It has now been changed to a pass/fail test. However, the passing score has been rising through the years, as more students master how to take the tests.
There are two main materials needed to prepare adequately for the exams – First Aid and UWORLD. In my opinion, 60% of one’s effort should be focused on UWORLD, as it prepares one for the necessary clinical reasoning required to pass the exams (reading blocks of tests is not enough!). 30% of one’s effort should be dedicated to First Aid for the USMLE, as it provides the needed perspective and background on which to build UWORLD knowledge. However, reading through blocks of texts alone have proven insufficient. For the remaining 10%, one can supplement with materials like KAPLAN NOTES, Pathoma videos, Dr. Najeeb Video lectures, Amboss (quite popular), NBMEs (highly recommended!!!!).
For those who need to strengthen their medical background, I will recommend you start with a combination of the videos above, together with Kaplan notes. But don’t spend more than 10% of your time and efforts on these! They boost your knowledge, but not to the exact requirements of the examiners. Next, I recommend a mix of UWORLD and First Aid. This is where most of your effort should be concentrated. And finally, I recommend NBMEs (some questions here may be repeated in your actual test!) This is because NBMEs are set by the USMLE examiners themselves, for mock test purposes. You can take some NBMEs a bit earlier during your prep, as a way to guage your current position and your progress along the way.
Note that this is a long exam, lasting about 8 hours (7 hours of actual exams, and 1 hour for rest, divided as you wish through the exams).
Finally, I have heard of people who prepare adequately, but fall into unexpected realities that mar their chances. So pray for God to crown your efforts with success. All the best!
Pls how do I get first aids, u world and nbmes.
Pls first aids, uword and nbmes.
You can get the info on their official websites. If you need our help, you can reach out through the contact form and we’ll give you more guidance and info.