1. Influencer:

~ Face of the team, and default team leader.

~ Relays information from team members to Lounge+, and vice versa.

~ Submits weekly assessment of how well other teams shared their videos (assessment forms will be provided every weekend).

~ Permitted to add their names and personal (not business!) social media handles in their videos.

~ Not permitted to promote own business or other businesses using any of our platforms, including videos, as this will be unfair to their team members.

2. Graphics designer/Video Editor:

~ MUST possess both skills

~ Will be granted access (where possible), to upload and manage videos, on the channel.

~ MUST avoid copyrighted content (videos pictures, music, etc), while making videos.

3. Content developer:

~ Prepares weekly content calendar for his/her team, and submits on the content developers group chat, every Monday!

~ Develops content, together with the team’s influencer.

~ Compiles picture evidence of sharing Lounge+ videos into one pdf, for upload by the team’s influencer.

4. Social Media Manager:

~ Carries out SEO for team’s videos

~ Collates picture evidence from team members, that show they shared other people’s content on their private social media handles.

~ Shares these evidences with respective teams’ social media managers.

~ Reports level of compliance from other teams to his/her team’s influencer, for assessment scoring at the end of the week.



Content Developer prepares content calendar for the week (by latest Monday morning!) πŸ‘‰ Influencer prepares video πŸ‘‰ Video Editor works on video πŸ‘‰ Content Developer ensure no copyrights or problems πŸ‘‰ Video Editor uploads πŸ‘‰ Social Media Manager shares to their group chat πŸ‘‰ Other teams’ social media managers distribute to their teams for onward sharing πŸ‘‰ Content gets to 100 participants‘ private social media πŸ‘‰ All participants submit picture evidences to their social media managers πŸ‘‰ Social media managers collate evidences and send to the social media manager whose team produced the video πŸ‘‰ Social Media Manager communicates with team’s influencer πŸ‘‰ Influencer submits assessment of each team’s compliance through the assessment form (by latest Sunday night)!

Learn more about the LEAP Program here


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